August 28, 2012

What happens after Ramadhan?

We have bid farewell to an honorable month. Allah Almighty has made easy for us to fast its days and prayed through the nights while satan being chained. Many good deeds we done during this great sesaon, recitation of the Qur’an, increased supplications, giviving alms to poor, charity. InshaAllah we got nearer to Him through performing those supplementary acts, hoping for His rewards while fearing His punishment.
Many nights hands were raised and tears trickling with hope and fear and anticipation may our sins be forgiven and deeds be accepted and emancipation from Hellfire.

This blessed month has passed along with its blessings and benefits, a witness either for our good deeds or against us.  The bubbles of Eid celebration has subside, it is time to open our account book and look for signs are we the winners or losers after Ramadhan.

The one whose condition is better after Ramadhan than before will continue to performing good deeds.

On the other hand, the one whose condition after Ramadhan is the same as before even if he get closer to Allah in Ramadhan, he will return to his original habit and abandon the good deeds done during this month.
He will not guard his hearing, vision, speech from prohibited matters.

The misunderstanding of some Muslim that they only perform good deeds in Ramadhan and when the month is over, their obligation for this sacred month is also over. We seek refuge with Allah subhanawa taala from going astray after guidance, Allah says, “ And be not like her who undo the thread which she has sewn, after it has become strong. ( Surah An-Nahl 16:92 )

Someone of the ancestors was asked about those people who perform acts of worship only during Ramadhan and abandon them after that. He answered, “ What bad people they are! They do not know Allah except in Ramadhan.”

Quoting a great imam from Masjidil Haram, during one of his khutbah,

“O slaves of Allah! Fear Allah. O you who performed good deeds in Ramadan, how can you leave them after the month passed!

Did you forget that the God of all months is One and that He is the Watcher and the Observer on your deeds and conditions.

O you who turned to your Lord in Ramadan, how can you forget Him after it?

O you who knew that the prayer is obligatory in its due fixed times and in congregation in the mosques, how do you ignore this after Ramadan?

O you who knew that Allah forbade committing sins, how could you turn again to it?

O you who embarked on reciting the Holy Quran, how did you abandon it?

Abu Huraira and his companions used to sit at the masjid whenever they are fasting and they used to say, “ We do this to purify our fasting.”  How far are those who sit in front of the TV watching programes after programes, or in the assemblies of worthless activities. 

Those who quit performing righteous deeds and bid farewell to Ramadhan, fear Allah Almighty because life is short and defined. Do not let yourselves indulge in heedlessness. We see many Muslims led astray by the waves of entertainment and activities that are not beneficial, following the lifestyle of the kuffars.  Do not submit to the temptation of Satan and his followers, who make unlawful things look good attractive.

Have not we realised what calamities has afflicted on the Muslims. It is the result of the misunderstanding of the rulings of our religion that create disunity.  Each group has their own interpretation of how one should practised Islam. Islam is simple but made complicated by acts of worship that is not from the sunnah of the Prophet.  

One of the cure for this dilemma is to go back onto the path threaded by our Prophet, shallalahualaihi wassalam, and his companions holding tight to the teachings from Al-Qur’an and his Sunnah…..

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